Sean Aaron Betsinger is a research assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, where he manages data collection and reporting activities related to evidence-based programs implemented with children, youth, and families and funded by the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (DJS). He also conducts research related to DJS’s intake and secure detention practices, and serves as the project coordinator for a statewide multiagency data collaborative, which links administrative data in order to facilitate comprehensive, data-driven, and evidence-based decision-making. In addition, Dr. Betsinger is leading the cost evaluation of Maryland’s IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project. Prior to joining the School of Social Work, he conducted applied policy research at the Institute for Governmental Service and Research at the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Betsinger holds both a PhD and MA in criminology and criminal justice from the University of Maryland, and he received a BS in criminal justice from Old Dominion University.
Selected Professional Positions
2009-2012 | Faculty Researcher, Institute for Governmental Service and Research, University of Maryland, College Park.
2012-2015 | Research Manager, Institute for Innovation & Implementation, University of
Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore.
2015 | Associate Faculty, Notre Dame of Maryland University
2015-present | Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore.
Selected Honors/Relevant State or Federal Committees, and Advisory Boards
Member, Baltimore City Youth Justice & Equity Council (2015-present)
Member, Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center Advisory Board (2013-present)
Member, American Society of Criminology (2005-present)
Member, Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Subcommittee to the Baltimore City Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (2013)
Member, Baltimore City Disproportionate Minority Contact Steering Committee (2012-2013)
Member, Front-End Reforms Subcommittee to the Baltimore City Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (2012-2013)
Member, Baltimore City Disproportionate Minority Contact Advisory Board (2011-2013)
Member, Baltimore City Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative Committee (2009-2011)
Selected Presentations, Training, and Teaching
Betsinger, S., & Farrell, J. (2014, November). Use of evidence-based programs in the juvenile justice system. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, Calif.
Betsinger, S., Strickman, S., Farrell, J., & Irvine, J. (2013). Closing the “back doors” to juvenile detention in Maryland. Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Ga.
Betsinger, S., Strickman, S., Farrell, J., & Irvine, J. (2013). Detention utilization in Maryland. Poster presented at the Maryland System of Care Training Institutes, Baltimore, Md.
Farrell, J., Betsinger, S., Mettrick, J., Chen, D., & Zabel, M. (2013). Multisystemic Therapy implementation in Maryland. Poster presented at the Maryland System of Care Training Institutes, Baltimore, Md.
Jessie, L., Betsinger, S., & Hallmon, M. (2013). Parent and Youth Empowerment Program. Presented at the Maryland System of Care Training Institutes, Baltimore, Md.
Midouhas, H., Mason, K., Farrell, J., Betsinger, S., Mettrick, J., Chen, D., & Zabel, M. (2013). Functional Family Therapy: Evaluation of FFT’s system of care for Maryland’s youth. Poster presented at the Maryland System of Care Training Institutes, Baltimore, Md.
Betsinger, S., J. Walter, & D. Young. (2011) Crossover youth in Maryland: Assessing interagency collaboration. Poster presented at the OJJDP National Conference for Children’s Justice and Safety, National Harbor, Md.
Young, D., & Betsinger, S. (2011). DMC in Maryland: Where, when, and how much? Presented at the DMC Site Coordinators Conference, Annapolis, Md.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications, White Papers, and Selected Reports
Bright, C. L., Betsinger, S., Farrell, J., Winters, A., Dutrow, D., Lee, B. R., & Afkinich, J. (2015). Youth outcomes following Family Centered Treatment® in Maryland. Baltimore, Md.: University of Maryland School of Social Work.
Department of Juvenile Services & University of Maryland Institute for Innovation & Implementation (2015). Maryland Department of Juvenile Services alternatives to detention gap analysis. Baltimore, Md.: Department of Juvenile Services. (Completed the analyses, led report writing)
Farrell, J., Betsinger, S., Chen, D., Lowther, J., & Zabel, M. (2015). Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care in Maryland: FY 2014 implementation report. Baltimore, Md.: University of Maryland, The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Farrell, J., Betsinger, S., Chen, D., Lowther, J., Dutrow, D., Acuna, R., & Zabel, M. (2015). Functional Family Therapy in Maryland: FY 2014 implementation report. Baltimore, Md.: University of Maryland, The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Farrell, J., Betsinger, S., Hall, E., Chen, D., Lowther, J., Mayers, R., Dutrow, D., Acuna, R., & Zabel, M. (2015). Multisystemic Therapy in Maryland: FY 2014 implementation report. Baltimore, Md.: University of Maryland, The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Betsinger, S., Strickman, S., Farrell, J., Irvine, J., Stables, M., Meyers, V., Garry, L., & Walters, S.R. (2013). Doors to detention: Statewide detention utilization study. Baltimore, Md.: University of Maryland, The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Betsinger, S., & Young, D. (2012). Parent and Youth Empowerment Program: Outcome evaluation. Prepared for The Family League of Baltimore City, Inc.
Young, D., Yancey, C., Betsinger, S., & Farrell, J. (2010). Disproportionate minority contact in the Maryland juvenile justice system. College Park, Md.: Institute for Governmental Service and Research.
Johnson, B.D., & Betsinger, S. (2009). Sentencing the model minority: Asian-American criminal
sentencing outcomes in federal district courts. Criminology 47(4):1045-1090.