Brianne Masselli is the director of technical assistance (TA) and evaluation for Youth M.O.V.E. National. Masselli serves as a lead for Children’s Mental Health Initiatives (CHMI), coordinates technical assistance to providers, organizations, and communities seeking to become youth guided and trauma informed in order to better serve the needs of family and youth who are experiencing challenges with behavioral and emotional health issues. In her current role, Masselli serves as a TA liaison for Healthy Transitions grantees, and expert in youth engagement, youth peer support, data and evaluation, and policy change for Now Is the Time grantees. Masselli is a key member of the national CHMI leadership team for the design and implementation of national evaluation protocols, and serves as trauma survivor and content expert on the development of trauma-informed curricula, organizational change, and self-care. She is a certified intentional peer support specialist and has conducted research in the area of peer-to-peer support and youth and young adult peer support. Masselli utilizes that knowledge to support communities, develop local, culturally responsive, and developmentally appropriate services.
Previous roles include serving as the director of TA and continuous quality improvement and co-author of Maine’s Trauma Informed Organizational Assessment. Masselli supported Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Corrections to assess their organizational culture, develop trauma informed quality improvement plans, and implement a statewide learning collaborative for child welfare in adopting trauma-informed practices. In a previous role, Masselli served as the youth coordinator for THRIVE, Maine’s Trauma Informed Systems of Care. Under her leadership, the youth committee successfully completed a trauma-informed best practice guide that defined what quality services looked like from a youth perspective and developed a fully sustained statewide youth-run organization. These local and state efforts resulted in Masselli taking on several national advisory roles, including advising the youth-led national advisory group for CHMI evaluation efforts, serving on the national and local learning collaborative for the NCTSN on the implementation of Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, serving as a national trainer for NCTSN Child Welfare Trauma Informed Toolkit, and as a contributing author to the U.S version of Youth Mental Health First Aid.
Selected Professional Positions
2014-present | Director, Technical Assistance and Evaluation, Youth M.O.V.E. National
2011-2014 | Director, Training and Quality Improvement, THRIVE, Maine Trauma Informed SOC
2008-2014 | Consultant, Youth M.O.V.E. National, Georgetown University, American Institute for Research, Policy Research, Inc., and National Child Traumatic Stress Network
2009-2011 | Interim Director, Moving Forwards, Maine’s Healthy Transitions Initiative
2009-2011 | Content Specialist, Logic Model Team, University of South Florida
2005-2011 | Director, Youth Development for THRIVE, Maine’s Trauma Informed System of Care
2003-2005 | Program Director, After School Program, Healthy Families Associates
2002-2003 | Victim Advocate, Rhode Island Sexual Assault Rape Crisis Center
2001-2002 | Domestic Violence Liaison, Warren Police Department
2001-2002 | Intern, Juvenile Court Liaison, Rhode Island Department of Child and Family Services
Selected Presentations, Training, and Teaching
2016, Advancing the Youth MOVEment Through Evaluation and Best Practice. 29th Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Youth Adult Behavioral Health, Fla.
2016, Finding Gold: Results from National Outcome Measures for Healthy Transitions Initiative, 29th Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Youth Adult Behavioral Health. Fla.
2016, Building Peer Support Programs: Applying the Principles of an Implementation Science Framework. 29th Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Youth Adult Behavioral Health. Fla.
2015, Why Does this Still Upset Me? A Youth Guide to Understanding Trauma, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Conference, D.C.
2015, Power of Peer Connection: Building Effective Youth Peer Support, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Conference, D.C.
2015, Impact of the Healthy Transition Initiative: A compilation of findings, Children’s Mental Health Conference, Fla.
2015, Building the Foundation for a Youth MOVEment of Peer Support, Three-part webinars series, Georgetown University, D.C.
2014, Development of Peer to Peer Programs, Federation of Families Children’s Mental Health Conference, D.C.
2014, Youth and Family Involvement in Design of National Evaluation, Federation of Families Children’s Mental Health Conference, D.C.
2014, Trauma-informed Applications in Juvenile in Community Corrections, Georgetown Training Institutes, D.C.
2014, Measuring Trauma-informed Practices in Juvenile Justice Facilities using Performance-Based Standards (PbS), University of South Florida, Children’s Mental Health Research Conference, Fla.
2014, Game Changer: Transition Age Youth, Georgetown Training Institutes, D.C.
2012, Essential Ingredients of Trauma-informed Care: What the Data Tells Us, Georgetown Training Institutes, D.C.
2010, Trauma-informed Agency Assessments in Maine: Guide to Trauma-informed Organizational Development, University of South Florida, Children’s Mental Health Research Conference, Fla.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications, White Papers, and Selected Reports
Masselli, B. (2015). A Guide for Youth Understanding Trauma. National TA Center for Children’s Mental Health, Georgetown University and Youth M.O.V.E. National, Washington, D.C.
Contributing Author. (2012). Youth Mental Health First Aid USA for Adults Assisting Young People. National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (2008). Partnering with Youth and Families Collaborative Group. Pathways to partnerships with youth and families in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Los Angeles, and Durham, N.C.: National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
THRIVE (2009). Next Steps to a Trauma-Informed System of Care.
THRIVE, et al. (2008) Trauma Informed Agency Assessment